
What Can and Cannot Be Done

8 Oct, 2008

Can’t is a word that I am attempting to eradicate from my vocabulary.  It’s more than just a word (or two words smushed together)—it’s an excuse, a mindset, an attitude.  I hear this word too often lately, at work (internally and from clients) and in my personal life.  The truth of the matter is, when people say, “I can’t do that,” what they often mean is, “I won’t.”

South African amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius

Remember, if you decide that you can’t do something, you’re absolutely correct.  If you have a tendency to be the one who declares what cannot be done, ask yourself a few questions:

After you’ve begun to eliminate can’t from your own vocabulary, the next step is learning how to use this approach to deal with those who tell us what can’t be done.  The same four questions asked above, posed in a non-threatening manner, can also be used to help shift the attitudes of Those Who Can’t (or won’t).  Offering assistance or a fresh perspective are additional methods to shift attitudes and break through roadblocks.  Try using the following:

“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.”
– Arthur C. Clarke

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