
Best Practices For Maintaining Professional Profiles

7 Dec, 2008

I was asked recently at work to provide some information about best practices for creating and maintaining public social networking profiles (namely LinkedIn and Facebook). Here’s what I came up with…

A General Rule To Live By

You may have heard this maxim before, but it’s worth repeating: Don’t publish anything online that you wouldn’t want to appear on the cover of the New York Times.  Before you post any content ask yourself, would I want my mother, child, spouse, best friend, boss, client, etc. to be able to see what I’ve posted now or at any point in the future?  If the answer is no, it’s probably best not to put it on the Internet.

Guide to a Great LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is an excellent resource for professional networking and information.  It also commonly ranks in the top three when performing a search for a person’s name.  I tried it with ten of my colleagues’ names and their LinkedIn profiles were always within the top three Google results—frequently the first.  With that kind of clout it’s important to remember these tips for making the most of your presence on the site:

Don’t publish anything online that you wouldn’t want to appear on the cover of the New York Times.

Best Practices For a Professional Facebook Profile

Quite simply, unless you are some kind of social media marketing consultant, I’d advise against using your Facebook account for professional purposes.  LinkedIn serves the purpose of professional online networking quite nicely.  That being said, there are some things for Facebook users to remember—even if you’ve taken my advice and swear to use it solely for personal reasons:

What did I forget?  Please feel free to use the comments to add your thoughts on what goes into a professional LinkedIn and/or Facebook profile.

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